Founder and operator MA Isheeba is one of Jamaica’s leading Yoga
teachers. She conducts workshops Yoga retreats, Yoga teacher training sessions
nationally and internationally and has previously established yoga training
centres in London, United Kingdom. Isheeba has been a Yoga Practitioner for
over 30 years and a Yoga Teacher/Trainer since 2016 and is a certified
Kemetic Yoga Practitioner. She is one of the few designated Yoga Teacher/
Trainers in the Ocho Rios area in Jamaica, practicing the Kemetic style of
Yoga incorporating Sacred Womb Healing. The Centre also offers other specialist courses such as learning to
“Walk in Stilettos” which is highly sought after by many women such as
businesswomen, entertainers, musicians, actors, performers, etc.
Click on External Link in the menu for more information, 
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